Physichem 10 (CAPS) covers the entire syllabus in 13 chapters. In these chapters we first address the most basic aspects which learners should master. Where applicable, we also revise content from earlier grades. A good mix of different types of questions is used to assess learners’ knowledge, skills and other abilities. We tried to arrange the questions in such a manner that they become progressively more challenging. COMPLETE ANSWERS to ALL these questions are given in the second half of the book.
Please note that the sequence of the chapters in PHYSICHEM 10 is the same as the sequence prescribed in the CAPS document. This implies that all the Physics topics are NOT grouped in the first section of the book and then followed by the Chemistry topics (or vice versa). In the first chapter attention is given to the Mathematical knowledge and Scientific skills which learners need to tackle the rest of the topics with confidence.
ISBN: 978-1-86863-142-1
Physichem 10 (CAPS) is ‘n Engelse publikasie. Die Afrikaanse ekwivalent is Fisichem 10 (KABV)
Grade | Grade 10 |
Language | English |